Krystian Matysek

Born in 1967. Graduate of the Faculty of Radio and Television at the University of Silesia, Direction of Imaging and Film Direction. Director, screenwriter and cinematographer of many documentaries, awarded at the festivals and sold to the TV stations worldwide. Operator in feature films. Lecturer at Dragon Forum and at the Polish Academy of Sciences in Minsk and Moscow 2011.
Movies directed by Krystian Matysek were purchased and broadcasted by television of the world, such as: ZDF, DISCOVERY EUROPE – Mid Est – Africa, DISCOVERY ASIA, ANIMAL PLANET, FRANCE 5, RAI 3, ABC Australia, PLANET, ATV Hong-Kong, TV KULTURA-Russia, TVP 1, TVP2, POLONIA, TVP KULTURA. The emissions have taken place in over 130 countries worldwide.

[Tłumaczenie na język polski: Magdalena Birna]